




This podcast was born out of the request from friends and those who walk along with me on social media.  They asked to hear my voice in addition to reading my words.  Had you asked me a year ago if I'd ever do such a thing, I would have awkwardly laughed.  But now I believe in listening to what others are asking of me.  I pay attention to what people tell me I'm good at because sometimes I fail to see it in myself.  Or I'm paralyzed by fear.  Believe me, the perfectionist in me felt like I needed to watch videos, read books, and perhaps listen to at least 20 podcasts by someone else instructing me on how to do a podcast before I did it myself.  And then I remembered a few of my favorite quotes.  "Shipping beats perfection",  "Progress not perfection", and "Take the next imperfect and aligned step".  Can you tell I'm a recovering perfectionist?  

So, instead of one day I decided it was DAY ONE. I grabbed my phone and recorded the first episode. My podcast is easy and stress-free. No rules, no interviews. And short, so that you can listen on your way to work or unloading the dishwasher.

Oh, and why the name Password?  Because I believe that each of us has topics of conversation (loss of a loved one, miscarriage, addiction, career change, divorce, financial mishaps, racial issues, starting a business) that automatically connect us to another person.  And once we learn what that topic is (just like learning what someone's password is for their phone or computer) they unravel and become an open book.

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Rhonda Lynn Schaffer Rhonda Lynn Schaffer

I Found Myself

Episode 19

I drove up Highway 38 to The Lost 40. I left the forest having found myself.

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Rhonda Lynn Schaffer Rhonda Lynn Schaffer

Look At The Stars

Episode 17

Because…why not? And because YELLOW makes me happy.

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Rhonda Lynn Schaffer Rhonda Lynn Schaffer

Dismantling The Facade (Part 1)

Episode 15

Today was a REAL Super Soul Sunday…so I reached back into the pre-Covid January archives to the time I spent a day with Oprah.

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