My Favorites





Charlie Mackesy

This is a magical mixture of artwork plus words plus love that inspired me to start The Kindness Project.

“I have no idea how people will feel. Some might not like it all. Some might think it’s a bit odd. Some might…I don’t know. But, I like to think that everyone has a completely unique response to it. And if I had to say what I’d love them to feel, I’d like, well…I’d like it to stimulate conversation. And for friendships to grow out of the conversations. And for it to stimulate honesty. I know for a longtime I never dared really say how I felt about life. So, just to catalyze good things about how people live more deeply.” ~Charlie


Glennon Doyle

This is where my unraveling began. It is was the first example of truth-telling that knocked me over and told me to start living out loud.

“We can choose to be perfect and admired or to be real and loved. We must decide. If we choose to be perfect and admired, we must send our representatives out to live our lives. If we choose to be real and loved, we must send out our true, tender selves. That’s the only way. Because to be loved, we have to be known. If we choose to introduce our true selves to anyone, we will get hurt. But we will be hurt either way. There is pain in hiding and pain outside of hiding. The pain outside is better because nothing hurts as bad as not being known.” ~Glennon


Glennon Doyle

This is where the majority of unraveling to my very core continues. I want to share every single chapter with every single person who will listen. Pure gold in these pages and I will read it over and over till the pages are tattered. I cannot even pick a quote to share because I feel the need to quote its entire contents. Trust me, if you want to know 90% of what is exactly inside of my brain then read this book.


Rachel Hollis

She writes from a younger newbie's perspective which was relatable to me as I first started out on this journey of becoming an author. Her Start Today journal also played a pivotal role in helping me to achieve some very specific goals.

“It’s time to stop apologizing for who you are. It’s time to become who you were made to be.” ~Rachel 


Elizabeth GilberT

I listen to her works on audiobook because I find her voice so entirely soothing.  These books are for anyone trying to get out of their own way and get to creating their life as only they can. She is unapologetically blunt and enlightening.

“I’ve never seen any life transformation that didn’t begin with the person in question finally getting tired of their own bullshit.” ~Liz


Gary Chapman

We strive to love each other but we often go about it in the wrong ways.  This book helped me to understand why this happens and how to both ask for the love I needed and also try to give the love others needed. It’s a continual work in progress.

“Little by little, the illusion of intimacy evaporates, and the individual desires, emotions, thoughts, and behavior patterns assert themselves. They are two individuals. Their minds have not melded together, and their emotions mingled only briefly in the ocean of love. Now the waves of reality begin to separate them. They fall out of love, and at that point either they withdraw, separate, divorce, and set off in search of a new in-love experience, or they begin the hard work of learning to love each other without the euphoria of the in-love obsession.” ~Gary


Willa Cather

This book was gifted to me by a mentor during medical school. It’s a reminder to always return to my roots…to my true north… to home.

“Although I admired scholarship so much in Cleric, I was not deceived about myself; I knew that I should never be a scholar. I could never lose myself for long among impersonal things. Mental excitement was apt to send me with a rush back to my own naked land and the figures scattered upon it. While I was in the very act of yearning toward the new forms that Cleric brought up before me, my mind plunged away from me, and I suddenly found myself thinking of the places and people of my own infinitesimal past. They stood out strengthened and simplified now, like the image of the plough against the sun. They were all I had for an answer to the new appeal.” ~Willa


THich Nhat HanH

This teeny tiny book was given to me as a gift by an intuitive childhood friend who knew I was in need of clarity during a time of transformation. Everyday we each don a pair of glasses through which we view the world. Remember to take yours off periodically and look through others’.

“Aware of the suffering created by attachment to views and wrong perceptions, we are determined to avoid being narrow-minded and bound to present views. We are committed to learning and practicing nonattachment from views and being open to others’ experiences and insights in order to benefit from the collective wisdom. Insight is revealed through the practice of compassionate listening, deep looking, and letting go of notions rather than through the accumulation of intellectual knowledge. We are aware that the knowledge we presently possess is not changeless, absolute truth. Truth is found in life, and we will observe life within and around us in every moment, ready to learn throughout our lives.” ~Thich


Anne Lamott

This is gritty, honest writing about how to write. It was a welcomed guide given to me by a friend as I set out to write my first book. Its pages are covered now with highlighter and feverishly written notes in the margins.

“Heaven knows, punishment and trance are a great deal more comfortable and familiar than aliveness…Maybe you can give her something from deep within to find or do or fight for that will break the trance for her. You’ll have to find this first within you, though. And then you’ll have it to give away.” ~Anne


Esther Perel

This is the book that allowed me to have an understanding relationship with my husband after we divorced. I would like for every person in a relationship, thinking about being in relationship, or recovering from a relationship to read it.

“Infidelity must be a symptom of a relationship gone awry. If you have everything you need at home, there should be no reason to go elsewhere. Men cheat out of boredom and fear of intimacy; women cheat out of loneliness and hunger for intimacy…The only way to restore trust and intimacy is through truth-telling, repentance, and absolution. Last but not least, divorce affords more self-respect than forgiveness.” ~Esther


E.B. White

Yes, I'm including a children's book as it is simply and profoundly about friendship, compassion, seasons of life, loss, and love - all the things we need to know about as children and adults.

“By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone’s life can stand a little of that.” ~Elwyn



Oprah Winfrey

I have so many freaking A-HA moments when I listen to these episodes. They’re deep, so I absorb them mid-day or on the weekend when my mind is at an easeful pace.  My faves include interviews with Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Gilbert, Tracee Ellis Ross, Anne Lamott, Gary Zukav, Eckhart Tolle, Cheryl Strayed, Toni Morrison, Edith Eva Eger, Father Richard Rohr, Sister Joan Chittister, Caroline Myss, Tara Westover, and Byron Katie.


Brendon Burchard

This is what I put on in the morning to pump me up and get me excited about the day.  Brendon Burchard’s energy and positive outlook are unmatched. Plus, he’s a Montana boy who grew up with next to nothing. I admire people with grit and grace.



I have an entrepreneurial streak that is curious about the transformation of a business from the initial spark, to its development and marketing, and ultimately to its demise, sellout, or continuation. These episodes cover everything from Spanx, to Panera Bread, to Crate & Barrel. I find it all so fascinating.



This is one of my favorite podcasts to listen to during my commute to work.  I try to listen to the episodes in order vs self-selecting based on the title.  That way I find that I’m learning about random topics that I might not have chosen.


Esther Perel

Entirely because we could all benefit from a therapist and relationship wizard. And because her accent is like butter.


Esther Perel

Episode 5: You’re Inching Me Out

Listen and you will understand more about what fuels my fire to set others free. Heart raises the flags and business too often ignores them.



Watercolor & Oil

Her watercolor and oil renditions of human anatomy are stunning.  As a surgical pathologist, I especially have a deep appreciation for her work and attention to minute detail.  I am moved by her work. I recently purchased several smaller pieces that I want to assemble into the 5 Love Languages (see Gary Chapman’s book above): Acts of Service, Physical Touch, Quality Time, Gifts, and Words of Affirmation.



poured paint

She’s a hometown girl that I worked with in high school.  She delves mainly in the poured paint technique, but also experiments with other mediums as well. She has an uncanny way of pairing just the right words in quote form to reflect the feelings that her art evokes. I purchased her painting “High Vibes” on a very poignant day in 2019 at my favorite coffee shop Brewed Awakenings. It was a turning point and a day of many awakenings to say the least.

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